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[sandbox environment]create a shipment in sandbox env

when i send a request to create a shipment .it is response that
"Exceptions::ManagerError": "CloudShipmentManagerError - action: create_by_api - Pickup address Please create an address before creating a shipment."

the data what i send is:
"platform_name": "Amazon",
"platform_order_number": "#1234",
"selected_courier_id": "b8d528a7-a2d4-4510-a7ac-11cbbb6542cd",
"destination_country_alpha2": "US",
"destination_city": "New York",
"destination_postal_code": "10022",
"destination_state": "NY",
"destination_name": "Aloha Chen",
"destination_address_line_1": "300 Park Avenue",
"destination_phone_number": "+1 234-567-890",
"destination_email_address": "[email protected]",
"items": [{
"description": "Silk dress",
"sku": "test",
"actual_weight": 1.2,
"height": 10,
"width": 15,
"length": 20,
"category": "fashion",
"declared_currency": "SGD",
"declared_customs_value": 100

i don't know why it is wrong today.because it was worked well last week.