A selection of delivery methods
Hello, when we contact you in the test environment, we are unable to receive shipping methods according to the addresses we are checking, Except for only one address listed in your example:
"origin_address": {
"line_1": "55 Prospect St",
"line_2": "Unit 401",
"state": "NY",
"city": "Sydney",
"postal_code": "11201",
"country_alpha2": "US"
Strange shipping rates scenarios
What are the international shipping requirements?
Do I need a special account for international shipments or do I just use a regular "create shipment" api call call? I am wanting to ship internationally and I just want to make sure I do not need some sort of special requirement that needs to be satisfied...I am in the United States
No available payment profile when pickup
Fail to create shipment
Failed to create pickup from requseted Pickup timeslot
Hi, We tried to create a pickup according to the timeslot provided by API.
URGENT - API IS CRASHING MY SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR API IS CRASHING MY SITE!!!!!! HELP NOW!!!!!!! Here is what we are getting
Easyship API causes a fatal error in my wordpress.
I had followed the instructions as stated in your Easyship page to connect to Woocommerce. However, after inserting the Easyship API code in my Woocommerce, it caused an immediate fatal error. I couldn't log in to my website. Please help.
Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided.
How can i fix this?
Not Getting Fedex in APi Response
Dear Concern,