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Shipment status not match

I have created and brought label for two shipment. Both use HK Post - Local Parcel
One created by easyship website. status: to be dropoff
The other one created by api. status: label ready

In the shipment infomation popup:
Created by api shipment's Handover Information is empty.
Created by easyship website shipment's Handover Information is not empty.

And according to api document's status, both two shipment's status not in the list.
Each Checkpoint has a message to indicate what the status of the Shipment was for that Checkpoint. The list of possible status messages are: Pending Tracking Event, Tracking Information Received, In Transit to Customer, Out For Delivery, Delivered, Exception, Cancelled, Pending Refund, Cancelled and Refunded.

Is there any problem with the shipment status?