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Pickup API: "Sorry, it is too late to request a pickup at this time, please refresh and try again"

Hi I'm trying to create a pickup request for a shipment that I created using the API. In the pickups endpoint call that I'm making I'm passing in the data as per the documentation and the slots returned by the "pickup_slots" end point. It's failing to create the pickup, however, and returns this response: "Sorry, it is too late to request a pickup at this time, please refresh and try again"
Here's how I'm passing the data in the request body:
"courier_id": "dfa5ba0d-4f91-4f6d-9622-8f1a22b23855",
"preferred_date": "2022-04-26",
"preferred_max_time": "2022-04-26T20:00",
"preferred_min_time": "2022-04-26T08:00",
"easyship_shipment_ids": ["xxxxxxxxxxxx"]

Please provide a solution.