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API does not display the same information

Hi team,

Hope someone will reply to this post as it is a bit critical. We have coded the full API into our platform and have the following discrepancies:

  1. Some carriers are not shown on API
  2. Price differences between API and Easyship platform

Let me resume point-by-point:

  1. Some carriers are not shown on API
    Most of the countries work fine, excepted Australia that is only showing 2 carriers from API while the platform of Easyship display more carriers.

Print screen from Easyship platform: https://www.screencast.com/t/99oVHhW1H
Print screen from API result: https://www.screencast.com/t/0q6bG6gXn

  1. Price differences between API and Easyship platform
    The prices are not the same from the Easyship platform and the received datas from API - the prices by API are cheaper that the Easyship platform (which is great if we are billed from this price :-)

Print screen from Easyship platform: https://www.screencast.com/t/yzowxjfm
Print screen from API result: https://www.screencast.com/t/w0b56oTISF7Q

Datas posted were exactly the same, as follows:

Can you please let us know how to get the exact same information to avoid any discrepancy on the shipment process.

Thank you for your reply