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Cannot get rates from default API

API returns ["Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided."]}"

AU POST Generate Manifest


Dynamic Origin Address

Dear Support,

Clarification on item quantity & dimensional information


Failed to create shipment

Hello Team,


I was able to create and purchase a label sucessfully using the API, however I received a null value for label url in response .

Set origin when create a shipping

On the API docs, there is no option to set the origin address.

WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type

I'm using django to to integrate esyship with our manufacturing system and when the shipment creation event is triggered , we are getting this error " 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type' ." I would appreciate if your technical tean could help me out . Thanks !

Company name not sent by API when creating shipping label

Company name is sent both in billing and shipping address, but it is lost when I print the label. Here is a sample of API code:
'payment_custom_field' =>
array (
'payment_method' => 'Credit/Debit Card (3D and SCA Secured) Stripe',
'payment_code' => 'stripe',
'shipping_firstname' => 'David',
'shipping_lastname' => 'Li',
'shipping_company' => 'Allonis LLC',
'shipping_address_1' => '4078 Waterland Drive',