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Rates API Error

Attempting to use the v1 and v2 API to just retrieve rates, but seem to just get the same error over and over. Can someone from the dev team provide any information on where I might be going wrong. v1: https://share.getcloudapp.com/5zuYN1W6 v2: https://share.getcloudapp.com/Wnux0G1q

Rates API Error

Response: { "status": "failure", "errors": [ "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided." ], "request_id": "ad9abdec-6ae7-4130-9b01-4c99bba91116" } Request: { "origin_address": { "line_1": "21 Ellis St", "line_2": null, "state": "ENG", "city": "London", "postal_code": "SW1X 9AL", "country_alpha2": "GB" }, "destination_address": { "line_1": "46 Green Lane", "line_2": null, "state": "ENG", "city": "London", "postal_code": "W42 1YH", "country_alpha2": "GB" }, "incoterms": "DDU", "insurance": null, "courier_selection": { "apply_shipping_rules": false }, "shipping_settings": { "units": { "weight": "g", "dimensions": "cm" }, "output_currency": "GBP" } }

Urgent need of help with API integration in C#/.Net

Hi there, I am in urgent need of assistant regarding the integration of EasyShip API into my C#/.Net project. I need to request for Rates, Create Shipment, Update Shipment. I am unable to find any example codes anywhere online and seriously in need of assistance, I do not know where to start. Please any experts, do hope to hear from you. Thank You.

Rates vs Shopify Rates?

How do Easyship rates compare to the discounted rates available via Shopify?

"There is not enough credit on your account" - Sandbox Post Label

Why am I getting this error, { "message":"There is not enough credit on your account" "errors":[...] "labels":[] "total_cost":60.26 "available_balance":0 } I'm currently using my sandbox creds, also with creating the shipment. Also what is partial success and why is it only partial success when creating a shipment. Thanks

problem in api integration in php

hello, i want to integrate your api in php, when i pass static parameter inside CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS it works great but now problem is we have to pass multiple data using mysqli so i create one code with php all details are stored same as static in variable and when i tried to pass that varialbe inside CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS it is not working i am writing hre my code so please help me we are trying from since last 4 days, when i try to chat the dont have any answer, so please help us..here is the code. <?php $a = "{"; $a = $a."\\" . '"' . "origin_country_alpha2" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "SG" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "origin_postal_code" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "WC2N" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "destination_country_alpha2" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "US" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "destination_postal_code" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "90001" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "taxes_duties_paid_by" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "Sender" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "is_insured" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "false" . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "items" . "\\" . '"' . ":"; $a = $a . "["; $a = $a . "{"; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "actual_weight" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "1.2" . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "height" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "10" . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "width" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "15" . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "length" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "20" . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "category" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "mobiles" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "declared_currency" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "\\" . '"' . "SGD" . "\\" . '"' . ","; $a = $a . "\\" . '"' . "declared_customs_value" . "\\" . '"' . ":" . "100"; $a = $a . "}"; $a = $a . "]"; $a = $a . "}"; $a=str_replace("<br>","",$a); echo $a; //$file = fopen("test.txt","w"); //fwrite($file,$a); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.easyship.com/rate/v1/rates"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$a); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization:Bearer sand_UnYzduaox5VgXzcBNMR+DROGpG/36KbaCBmmEjlVeUE=" )); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); var_dump($response); ?>

Plugin is adding the 'no-cache' header

We are using EasyShip plugin in our wordpress website https://kidzparadize.sg. The website is hosted in DreamHost hosting. DreamHost run their own proprietary caching system in all their servers. We found that Easyship plugin is adding the 'no-cache' header and using cookies for non-logged users. This cause several errors with the current caching system which lead to 504 Gateway Time-out to our website. The cookie can be bypassed in the caching system if we know specify the name we need to look for. But we need EasyShip wordpress plugin not to add 'no-cache' or 'must-revalidate'. Appreciate urgent reply as we been experience this issues quite a while. Thanks

Only 1 courier available for selection

We have our own FedEx courier account (with 9 services active) attached to our Easyship account, but it never shows up in the available couriers when creating a shipment or in the API rate/v1/rates call (rate/v1/rates). For example when we try to ship from The Netherlands to the USA we always only get the DHL option as a courier, which is very expensive and not logical as an option. The weird thing is that 2 weeks ago, when we had the free account and a different FedEx account, we would always get multiple options like: DHL, our FedEx service, Easyship FedEx. This is for both the API and manually adding a shipment in the dashboard. We have the Plus plan and there were no other changes made in our account that would cause this weird behavior. Thanks in advance.

Error when requesting a courier pickup - Magento-Easyship Booking Management

Hi all, Having an issue where a shipment is created and information is sent from Magento to EasyShip however receiving an error when trying to book the courier. Within Magento>Sales>EasyShip Booking Management reads 'Failed to create Pickup: Something went wrong when requesting a pickup to Couriers Please, please try later or contact Easyship Customer Service' Can anyone suggest how we can amend this so that we can book in future? Regards, Mark

Technical Documentation (Submitting an Electronic Invoice)

Hello all, the customer I am talking to is looking for docs on how they can code to this via our API. Are there docs I can share with this client to pass along to their product team?