why does this rates request api call return an error?
POST /2023-01/rates HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer prod_4jZAQeqvVWAlL2pJWu2Zfe7GRu++0oymSxwI1fbzrCc=
Host: api.easyship.com
Content-Length: 1104
parcel array error
Please explain why this parcel array is not being accepted by your compiler in the request rates api call:
Problem with the pickup creation process
I have a proplem. I don't know what API to call next after creating a shipment. After creating a "https://developers.easyship.com/reference/shipments_create" shipment, what APIs do I need to call afterwards to get data for parts like Manage Shipments or Pickups. I feel quite sad that there is no dashboard to test data on sandbox environment, currently I don't know what steps the process will include, what APIs to call to get data from shipment to pickup. Currently, I have not updated my account to Premium and am still in trial mode.
Need to create label after created shipment?
I have a question about process logic in relation to shipments. I need to create a label for a shipment to pickup the product and ship it to the customer from the original supplier address. Is that right? If I do not create a label, then will the shipment still ship to the customer?
Shipment is not created with Sandbox Access Token
Hi team,
List all Couriers API is not returning any data - 403 Forbidden
Using our prod token on the site to list all couriers and filter by FedEx
2023.01 - Regression deleting items when shipments PATCHed
We have a custom API tool that we run to add items to crowdfunding orders that have been synced to ES from Shopify.
Are there API to get the fallback settings?
Hi, are there any ways to get product fallback settings from dashboard?
Any UK developers here
I am considering using easyship, for an application i would like developing. Are there any developrs here with expereince of intergrating the easyship API
Unable to find shipment in dashbaord
Hi I've created a shipment using the sandbox token but cannot see it from the Easyship dashboard.