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Could not return rates

Hi, I'm trying to get rates for provided data, but I'm always getting an error: "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided." Endpoint: https://api.easyship.com/v2/rates Json request: { "origin_address": { "line_1": "417 Montgomery st", "line_2": "floor 5", "state": "CA", "city": "San Francisco", "postal_code": "94104", "country_alpha2": "US" }, "destination_address": { "line_1": "10231 Ridge Road", "line_2": "", "state": "OH", "city": "North Royalton", "postal_code": "44133", "country_alpha2": "US" }, "incoterms": "DDU", "insurance": { "is_insured": false, "insured_amount": 10, "insured_currency": "USD" }, "courier_selection": { "apply_shipping_rules": true }, "shipping_settings": { "units": { "weight": "lb", "dimensions": "in" }, "output_currency": "HKD" }, "parcels": [ { "total_actual_weight": 0.8, "box": { "slug": null, "length": 10, "width": 8, "height": 5 }, "items": [ { "description": "Silk dress", "category": "fashion", "sku": "test01", "quantity": 2, "dimensions": { "length": null, "width": null, "height": null }, "actual_weight": 10, "declared_currency": "USD", "declared_customs_value": 20 } ] } ] } Can you help me and tell me where I was wrong, or send me one valid json request?

Could not find rates with multiple parcels

Hi there, hope you are doing great. I am using Easyship API to get rates and create shipment, but I am facing an issue related to rates API. Whenever I send request with multiple parcels, I receive this kind of response,{"status":"failure","errors":["Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided."],"request_id":"20a212fa-b873-4d20-b5a2-50b8c43201f4"}. But this works fine and return rates, if I send requests with the same information with only one parcel. I am using PHP Crul to send requests. I also attached a file so you can check what the issue is, maybe there is something missing in my request. I have tried many combinations of information but the response is the same with multiple parcels. I already send a request(285846), in which I have attached my code file. Thank you Qasim Rafique

Rates API not returning TNT rates

Hi, I can't seem to get TNT rates using the Rates API, even though they are showing under quotes in the Admin Dashboard for the exact same item/addresses. Would anyone know the reason for this? Do TNT rates require additional parameters to be included when making requests to the Rates API? Thanks

create Shipment and buy label give errors

1. can we required amount for buy labels (Integrate label API for development purpose) and also getting following error , check screenshot https://prnt.sc/1azwaym 2. is it required to fill all parameter at the time of shipment create process and brief about following parameter (a)taxes_duties_paid_by (b) is_insured (c) declared_customs_value 3.Pleae can you provide details about how to get tracking status of any shipment

Create and Buy Label API with Sandbox account

When we call https://api.easyship.com/shipment/v1/shipments/create_and_buy_label with the data (see attached) to the sandbox, we got the error "There is not enough credit on your account" but we have already deposited money. Please help to check. Thanks. [Data sending to EasyShip] {'origin_country_alpha2': 'HK', 'origin_city': '', 'origin_state': '', 'origin_postal_code': '', 'destination_country_alpha2': 'HK', 'destination_city': 'Quarry Bay', 'destination_state': '', 'destination_postal_code': '', 'destination_address_line_1': 'aaa', 'destination_address_line_2': 'ccc', 'taxes_duties_paid_by': 'Sender', 'is_insured': False, 'nz_delivery_carrier': delivery.carrier(3,), 'platform_order_number': 'WH/OUT/00010', 'destination_name': 'Andy Wai', 'destination_company_name': '', 'destination_phone_number': False, 'destination_email_address': False, 'items': [{'description': '克羅地亞松露蜜糖', 'sku': 'GT01', 'actual_weight': 1.0, 'category': 'dry_food_supplements', 'quantity': 1.0, 'declared_currency': 'HKD', 'declared_customs_value': 118.0}], 'box': {'length': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0}, 'total_actual_weight': 0.0, 'selected_courier_id': False, 'buy_label_synchronous': True, 'label': '4x6', 'commercial_invoice': '4x6', 'packing_slip': '4x6', 'format': 'PDF'} [Response] {'created_at': '2021-06-30T09:41:39.317Z', 'updated_at': '2021-06-30T09:41:39.621Z', 'order_created_at': None, 'easyship_shipment_id': 'ESHK10078114', 'origin_address': {'id': '2313ec67-df3c-48a2-89ee-b6b285b8c406', 'company_name': 'Shop Croatia', 'contact_name': 'Jutin Chan', 'contact_email': '[email protected]', 'contact_phone': '63601403', 'line_1': 'Room 117, The Merit A3, G/F', 'line_2': 'Merit Industrial Centre', 'postal_code': '', 'city': 'Ma Tau Kok', 'state': None, 'country': {'name': 'Hong Kong'}, 'default_values': {'pickup': True, 'billing': True, 'sender': True, 'return': True}, 'hk_district_id': 63}, 'store_name': 'Odoo', 'set_as_residential': False, 'destination_name': 'Andy Wai', 'destination_company_name': '', 'consignee_tax_id': None, 'destination_address_line_1': 'aaa', 'destination_address_line_2': 'ccc', 'destination_city': 'Quarry Bay', 'destination_state': None, 'destination_postal_code': '0', 'destination_phone_number': 'f', 'destination_email_address': 'f', 'order_notes': None, 'buyer_notes': None, 'seller_notes': None, 'order_tag_list': [], 'platform_order_number': 'WH/OUT/00010', 'platform_name': 'API', 'total_customs_value': 118.0, 'total_actual_weight': 1.0, 'total_dimensional_weight': 0.0, 'total_volumetric_weight': 1.0, 'is_insured': False, 'currency': 'HKD', 'shipment_state': 'created', 'pickup_state': 'not_requested', 'delivery_state': 'not_created', 'label_state': 'not_created', 'warehouse_state': 'none', 'label_response': {'errors': ['There is not enough credit on your account'], 'available_balance': 0.0}, 'origin_country': {'name': 'Hong Kong', 'alpha2': 'HK'}, 'destination_country': {'name': 'Hong Kong', 'alpha2': 'HK'}, 'items': [{'id': '54c31d35-0f3f-49ee-a6de-b9a61dda8299', 'description': '克羅地亞松露蜜糖', 'sku': 'GT01', 'width': None, 'length': None, 'height': None, 'actual_weight': 1.0, 'dimensional_weight': 0.0, 'volumetric_weight': 1.0, 'declared_customs_value': 118.0, 'declared_currency': 'HKD', 'origin_customs_value': 118.0, 'origin_currency': 'HKD', 'category': 'dry_food_supplements', 'quantity': 1}], 'box': {'name': None, 'length': '0.0', 'width': '0.0', 'height': '0.0'}, 'selected_courier': {'id': '64b5d8b2-4c60-4faf-bf1b-9f7b1b7ca1c8', 'name': 'SF Express - Local', 'min_delivery_time': '2', 'max_delivery_time': '3', 'shipment_charge': 22.0, 'fuel_surcharge': 0.0, 'remote_area_surcharge': 0.0, 'oversized_surcharge': 0.0, 'additional_services_surcharge': 0.0, 'residential_full_fee': 0.0, 'residential_discounted_fee': 0.0, 'shipment_charge_total': 22.0, 'warehouse_handling_fee': 0.0, 'insurance_fee': 0.0, 'import_tax_charge': 0.0, 'import_duty_charge': 0.0, 'ddp_handling_fee': 0.0, 'total_charge': 22.0, 'is_above_threshold': False, 'effective_incoterms': 'DDU', 'estimated_import_tax': 0, 'estimated_import_duty': 0, 'courier_does_pickup': None, 'courier_dropoff_url': 'https://htm.sf-express.com/hk/en/dynamic_function/S.F.Network/SF_store_address/', 'available_handover_options': 'dropoff,free_pickup', 'courier_remarks': None, 'payment_recipient': 'Easyship'}, 'rates': [{'courier_id': '64b5d8b2-4c60-4faf-bf1b-9f7b1b7ca1c8', 'courier_name': 'SF Express - Domestic', 'min_delivery_time': 2, 'max_delivery_time': 3, 'value_for_money_rank': 1.0, 'delivery_time_rank': 1.0, 'shipment_charge': 22.0, 'fuel_surcharge': 0.0, 'remote_area_surcharge': 0.0, 'oversized_surcharge': 0.0, 'additional_services_surcharge': 0.0, 'residential_full_fee': 0.0, 'residential_discounted_fee': 0.0, 'shipment_charge_total': 22.0, 'warehouse_handling_fee': 0.0, 'insurance_fee': 0.0, 'sales_tax': 0.0, 'provincial_sales_tax': 0.0, 'ddp_handling_fee': 0.0, 'import_tax_charge': 0.0, 'import_duty_charge': 0.0, 'total_charge': 22.0, 'is_above_threshold': False, 'effective_incoterms': 'DDU', 'estimated_import_tax': 0, 'estimated_import_duty': 0, 'courier_does_pickup': True, 'courier_dropoff_url': 'https://htm.sf-express.com/hk/en/dynamic_function/S.F.Network/SF_store_address/', 'available_handover_options': 'dropoff,free_pickup', 'tracking_rating': 3, 'easyship_rating': 3.7, 'courier_remarks': None, 'payment_recipient': 'Easyship'}, {'courier_id': '3e71bdf7-1aaa-4cbb-b29c-c52829e69419', 'courier_name': 'HK Post - Smart Post', 'min_delivery_time': 2, 'max_delivery_time': 4, 'value_for_money_rank': 2.0, 'delivery_time_rank': 2.0, 'shipment_charge': 28.0, 'fuel_surcharge': 0.0, 'remote_area_surcharge': 0.0, 'oversized_surcharge': 0.0, 'additional_services_surcharge': 0.0, 'residential_full_fee': 0.0, 'residential_discounted_fee': 0.0, 'shipment_charge_total': 28.0, 'warehouse_handling_fee': 0.0, 'insurance_fee': 0.0, 'sales_tax': 0.0, 'provincial_sales_tax': 0.0, 'ddp_handling_fee': 0.0, 'import_tax_charge': 0.0, 'import_duty_charge': 0.0, 'total_charge': 28.0, 'is_above_threshold': False, 'effective_incoterms': 'DDU', 'estimated_import_tax': 0, 'estimated_import_duty': 0, 'courier_does_pickup': False, 'courier_dropoff_url': 'https://www.ec-ship.hk/platform/accept_office.jsp', 'available_handover_options': 'dropoff', 'tracking_rating': 1, 'easyship_rating': 4.3, 'courier_remarks': None, 'payment_recipient': 'Courier'}, {'courier_id': 'd6cfc6d2-3857-4f42-a2a4-9e10ac9766ac', 'courier_name': 'HK Post - Local Parcel', 'min_delivery_time': 2, 'max_delivery_time': 4, 'value_for_money_rank': 3.0, 'delivery_time_rank': 3.0, 'shipment_charge': 75.0, 'fuel_surcharge': 0.0, 'remote_area_surcharge': 0.0, 'oversized_surcharge': 0.0, 'additional_services_surcharge': 0.0, 'residential_full_fee': 0.0, 'residential_discounted_fee': 0.0, 'shipment_charge_total': 75.0, 'warehouse_handling_fee': 0.0, 'insurance_fee': 0.0, 'sales_tax': 0.0, 'provincial_sales_tax': 0.0, 'ddp_handling_fee': 0.0, 'import_tax_charge': 0.0, 'import_duty_charge': 0.0, 'total_charge': 75.0, 'is_above_threshold': False, 'effective_incoterms': 'DDU', 'estimated_import_tax': 0, 'estimated_import_duty': 0, 'courier_does_pickup': False, 'courier_dropoff_url': 'https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/network/post_offices/index.html#list', 'available_handover_options': 'dropoff', 'tracking_rating': 1, 'easyship_rating': 4.5, 'courier_remarks': None, 'payment_recipient': 'Courier'}], 'is_merged': False, 'discount': {'code': None, 'amount': 0, 'expires_at': None, 'percentage': None}}

Rating inconsistency API vs WEB

Hello, I'm trying to retrieve shipping rates via API. Unfortunately it seems that the API returns different rates vs the Web app which calls same version (V1) of the API although different url. I tried posting the payload that the web app makes (https://app.easyship.com/quote) to the API call via Postman (https://api.easyship.com/rate/v1/rates) so that the payload being sent is the same, but still I get different rates when I check the JSON response. Would someone be able to help me out with an advice regarding this inconsistency? Thanks

Cannot confirm shipment and buy Lable

Hello, I am working on the sandbox environment I have an error I am facing while trying to confirm a shipment via API. First I created the shipment via this endpoint: https://api.easyship.com/v2/shipments Then I tried to confirm shipment and buy label using the endpoint: https://api.easyship.com/label/v1/labels. I however got the response when I used the easyship_shipping_id gotten : "message": "Shipments not found or labels already requested: ESUS10077829", "errors": [ "Shipments not found or labels already requested: ESUS10077829" ], "labels": [], "total_cost": null, "available_balance": -176.22 And when I try to tack the shipment, I still get a valid response. What am I doing wrong please?

Shipping Rule does not apply to API? Am I able to get rates with parcel dimensions?

Easyship does support J&T services in Singapore and I have set Shipping Rule to retrieve J&T services as priority courier service, but after testing with Production and Sandbox token, both return NinjaVan as my courier. Is it possible to get rates without parcel dimensions but with only total weight? Because it is either with Total weight and Parcel dimension, or without them. Would like your help please. Thank You.

The Rates API returns "User doesn't have permissions for this request"

acroding the instruction blow "How to Get an API Access Token Login to your Easyship dashboard Click Connect > New Integration and select API Integration. Give the new integration a name and click Connect You will be provided with an access token for our Production and Sandbox environments and will be able to adjust the API scopes you want to access. " I try to call the API by using postman, I aleady generated two API Access Token, but it doesn't work? the request body is : { "origin_address": { "line_1": "55 Prospect St", "line_2": "Unit 401", "state": "NY", "city": "Sydney", "postal_code": "11201", "country_alpha2": "US" }, "destination_address": { "line_1": "1 quai de Jemmapes", "line_2": "Porte A", "state": "CA", "city": "Paris", "postal_code": "75010", "country_alpha2": "FR" }, "incoterms": "DDU", "insurance": { "is_insured": false, "insured_amount": 10, "insured_currency": "USD" }, "courier_selection": { "apply_shipping_rules": true }, "shipping_settings": { "units": { "weight": "lb", "dimensions": "in" }, "output_currency": "HKD" }, "parcels": [ { "total_actual_weight": 0.8, "box": { "slug": null, "length": 10, "width": 8, "height": 5 }, "items": [ { "description": "Silk dress", "category": "fashion", "sku": "test01", "quantity": 2, "dimensions": { "length": null, "width": null, "height": null }, "actual_weight": 10, "declared_currency": "USD", "declared_customs_value": 20 } ] } ] } and I add the header Authorization: Bearer prod_qiR0tLw3kGWy+ozKO4jNl0kxeQZf8JFSlQMVcQwew2Y=

Zapier Triggers firing inconsistently

In some cases, I am able to visit a shipment that has went through the entire set of statuses from Created -> Delivered, but our Zapier integrations for "New Shipping Label" and "Shipment In-Transit" never fired. Is this a known issue? I'm guessing EasyShip could have a bug where if a status switches rapidly to a status that isn't in your triggers, you're never triggering our zaps. We're considering the following two solutions: - Using your webhooks - Using the "Shipment Updated" zap and catching every single status update so that if the underlying bug is some sort of batching of status updates from EasyShip, we can just handle the later status Please let us know. Happy to provide more specifics of shipments that failed to trigger