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Dynamic Origin Address

Dear Support,

Clarification on item quantity & dimensional information


Failed to create shipment

Hello Team,


I was able to create and purchase a label sucessfully using the API, however I received a null value for label url in response .

Set origin when create a shipping

On the API docs, there is no option to set the origin address.

WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type

I'm using django to to integrate esyship with our manufacturing system and when the shipment creation event is triggered , we are getting this error " 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type' ." I would appreciate if your technical tean could help me out . Thanks !


For Australia shipments getting issue

I am getting issue on sandbox api request for request body


I can not get result for external shipping for Canada and other countries

Hello support team,
I want to test easyship API. But I have problem for getting "Request rates and taxes" response . I am trying to send request using sandbox access token on your page
https://developers.easyship.com/reference#request-rates-and-taxes . I am getting results for US destination. But when I am trying to get calculation for Greit Britain or for Canada - I am getting any results.. Here is my request https://prnt.sc/u4f30x and I am getting such response https://prnt.sc/u4f3f6 . So, I can get any response for extenal shipping. can you please help me, what am I doing wrong?


HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

I'm using python 3+ and getting this error.