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Shipment/Label API issues

Hey, I'm trying to setup a Shipment/Label API. I've used postman examples to get me started, and am filling out all of the required fields, however the API call returns an empty body tag- I'd expect this to contain a link to the shipping label/some of details? Could someone help please? Here's my request: --- callback: "{% log response, type: 'response object' %}\n" format: https request_headers: '{ "Authorization": "Bearer sand_c.........", "Content-Type": "application/json" }' to: https://api.easyship.com/v2/shipments trigger_condition: t --- { "origin_address": { "line_1": "{{data.seller_address_street}}", "state": "{{data.seller_address_state}}", "city": "{{data.seller_address_city}}", "postal_code": "{{data.seller_address_zip}}", "country_alpha2": "GB", "contact_name": "{{data.seller_name}}", "company_name": null "contact_phone": "{{data.seller_mobile}}", "contact_email": "{{data.seller_email}}" }, "sender_address": { "line_1": "{{data.seller_address_street}}", "state": "{{data.seller_address_state}}", "city": "{{data.seller_address_city}}", "postal_code": "{{data.seller_address_zip}}", "country_alpha2": "GB", "contact_name": "{{data.seller_name}}", "company_name": null "contact_phone": "{{data.seller_mobile}}", "contact_email": "{{data.seller_email}}" }, "return_address": { "line_1": "{{data.seller_address_street}}", "state": "{{data.seller_address_state}}", "city": "{{data.seller_address_city}}", "postal_code": "{{data.seller_address_zip}}", "country_alpha2": "GB", "contact_name": "{{data.seller_name}}", "company_name": null "contact_phone": "{{data.seller_mobile}}", "contact_email": "{{data.seller_email}}" }, "destination_address": { "line_1": "{{data.address_street}}", "state": "{{data.address_state}}", "city": "{{data.address_city}}", "postal_code": "{{data.address_zip}}", "country_alpha2": "GB", "contact_name": "{{data.buyer_name}}", "contact_phone": "{{data.buyer_mobile}}", "contact_email": "{{data.buyer_email}}" }, "metadata": {}, "set_as_residential": false, "consignee_tax_id": null, "eei_reference": null, "incoterms": "DDU", "insurance": { "is_insured": false, "insured_amount": 10, "insured_currency": "GBP" }, "order_data": { "platform_name": null, "platform_order_number": null, "order_tag_list": null "seller_notes": null, "buyer_notes": null }, "courier_selection": { "selected_courier_id": "{{data.courier_id}}", "allow_courier_fallback": true, "apply_shipping_rules": true }, "shipping_settings": { "units": { "weight": "lb", "dimensions": "in" }, "printing_options": { "format": "pdf", "label": "4x6", "commercial_invoice": "A4", "packing_slip": "none" }, "buy_label": true, "buy_label_synchronous": true }, "parcels": [ { "total_actual_weight": 0.8, "box": { "slug": null, "length": 5, "width": 4, "height": 2 }, "items": [ { "description": "Silk dress", "category": "fashion", "sku": "test01", "quantity": 2, "dimensions": { "length": null, "width": null, "height": null }, "actual_weight": 10, "declared_currency": "GBP", "declared_customs_value": 20 } ] } ] } Any fields that are wrapped in {{- are pulled from these: address_street: Gatehouse Lodge address_country: United Kingdom address_city: Reading address_state: eqweq address_zip: RG76NN buyer_name: Ben ben buyer_mobile: 07955450874 buyer_email: [email protected] seller_id: 24893 seller_name: Ben b seller_email: [email protected] courier_id: d70f503c-905b-4e28-a015-d27069a09e0c (There are some more that arn't shown there, but do have values- anything outputted within {{}} will be a String- not sure if that could cause issues). Thanks!

Get Optimal Box Size

We sell millions of different parts. I know the part length, width, height, and weight. We want to set the box sizes before we place a shipment so we know what type of boxes we need to order from our supplier. What is the best way to calculate box size so we can store it and order boxes?

"messages":["Not Support Failure: No rates for this country"]

During testing on "Request Rates & taxes API" https://api.easyship.com/rate/v1/rates, API response is with "messages":["Not Support Failure: No rates for this country"] for international delivery rate. I cannot find anything in API reference for this issue. let me know how to fix it.

label response problem

Hello, I have created label with sandbox account, i am not getting response for platform_order_number and label_url,tracking_number, i am getting null on it, so my question is, is it problem with sandbox api? we will get response when we use original key (production key)? Rates and shipping are working proper.

Integrate Easyship with Intuitive Shipping shopify app

we are currently using Intuitive Shipping app to control how shipping rates are calculated at our store's checkout. We now consider to use live rates feature to offer more accurate shipping rates at checkout and Intuitive Shipping app got us an option to to use Easyship live rates feature within their app by using API access token generated by Esyship. After following all instructions, the live rates feature from Easyship app still has not worked for our store checkout on our tested products. We reached out to live chat support team of Easyship and they confirmed that our API connection within Intuitive shipping app was un-verified, that could be the reason why the feature didn't work. Eventually, they asked us to reach out to developers team to get assistance. Could you please help us fix the issue. Thanks

Getting error on shipment create

I am getting the below error while creating new shipment. ["origin_address.contact_email is invalid","destination_address.postal_code is too long (maximum is 20 characters)","destination_address.contact_phone is too long (maximum is 20 characters)","destination_address.contact_email is invalid","sender_address.contact_email is invalid","return_address.contact_email is invalid","insurance.insured_amount is not a number"],"request_id":"4d489bb7-852e-4f8e-b5d2-e3cb8507cea1","timestamp":"2022-01-11T18:35:34.269Z"} I am sending the follwoing data:

In node js i get this unexpected error

shipping rates error [ 'Oops, an unexpected error occurred. Please check your request and try sending it again. You can contact us if the problem persists.' ]

Shipment status not match

I have created and brought label for two shipment. Both use HK Post - Local Parcel One created by easyship website. status: to be dropoff The other one created by api. status: label ready In the shipment infomation popup: Created by api shipment's Handover Information is empty. Created by easyship website shipment's Handover Information is not empty. And according to api document's status, both two shipment's status not in the list. ```Each Checkpoint has a message to indicate what the status of the Shipment was for that Checkpoint. The list of possible status messages are: Pending Tracking Event, Tracking Information Received, In Transit to Customer, Out For Delivery, Delivered, Exception, Cancelled, Pending Refund, Cancelled and Refunded.``` Is there any problem with the shipment status?

Not getting the Rate

When we call the rate api we get's an error message as "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided" This is he body {'origin_address': {'line_1': 'Room B, 17/F,', 'line_2': "King's Road 388, North Point", 'state': 'hong kong', 'city': 'Hong Kong', 'postal_code': False, 'company_name': 'My Company (San Francisco)', 'contact_name': 'Azure Interior', 'contact_phone': '+58 212 681 0538', 'contact_email': '[email protected]'}, 'destination_address': {'line_1': 'Room B, 17/F,', 'line_2': "King's Road 388, North Point", 'state': 'hong kong', 'city': 'Hong Kong', 'postal_code': False, 'country_alpha2': 'HK', 'company_name': 'My Company (San Francisco)', 'contact_name': 'Azure Interior', 'contact_phone': '+58 212 681 0538', 'contact_email': '[email protected]'}, 'incoterms': 'DDU', 'selected_courier_id': '8bcdb095-bf5f-43bd-8721-6c665d5b398d', 'courier_selection': {'apply_shipping_rules': True}, 'shipping_settings': {'units': {'weight': 'kg', 'dimensions': 'cm'}, 'output_currency': 'USD'}, 'insurance': {'is_insured': True, 'insured_amount': 1.0, 'insured_currency': 'HKD'}, 'parcels': [{'total_actual_weight': 2.0, 'box': {'slug': 'crafts', 'length': 2.0, 'width': 2.0, 'height': 2.0}, 'items': [{'quantity': 2, 'category': 'Crafts', 'description': '[E-COM06] Corner Desk Right Sit', 'sku': 'E-COM06', 'actual_weight': 1.0, 'declared_currency': 'HKD', 'declared_customs_value': 147.0, 'dimensions': {'length': 1.0, 'width': 1.0, 'height': 1.0}}]}]}

Note getting Rates

When we call the rate api we get's an error message as "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided" This is he body {'origin_address': {'line_1': 'Room B, 17/F,', 'line_2': "King's Road 388, North Point", 'state': 'hong kong', 'city': 'Hong Kong', 'postal_code': False, 'company_name': 'My Company (San Francisco)', 'contact_name': 'Azure Interior', 'contact_phone': '+58 212 681 0538', 'contact_email': '[email protected]'}, 'destination_address': {'line_1': 'Room B, 17/F,', 'line_2': "King's Road 388, North Point", 'state': 'hong kong', 'city': 'Hong Kong', 'postal_code': False, 'country_alpha2': 'HK', 'company_name': 'My Company (San Francisco)', 'contact_name': 'Azure Interior', 'contact_phone': '+58 212 681 0538', 'contact_email': '[email protected]'}, 'incoterms': 'DDU', 'selected_courier_id': '8bcdb095-bf5f-43bd-8721-6c665d5b398d', 'courier_selection': {'apply_shipping_rules': True}, 'shipping_settings': {'units': {'weight': 'kg', 'dimensions': 'cm'}, 'output_currency': 'USD'}, 'insurance': {'is_insured': True, 'insured_amount': 1.0, 'insured_currency': 'HKD'}, 'parcels': [{'total_actual_weight': 2.0, 'box': {'slug': 'crafts', 'length': 2.0, 'width': 2.0, 'height': 2.0}, 'items': [{'quantity': 2, 'category': 'Crafts', 'description': '[E-COM06] Corner Desk Right Sit', 'sku': 'E-COM06', 'actual_weight': 1.0, 'declared_currency': 'HKD', 'declared_customs_value': 147.0, 'dimensions': {'length': 1.0, 'width': 1.0, 'height': 1.0}}]}]}