These docs are for v2023.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.09.


In this version, we are introducing refactored errors. You can find examples in each related API endpoint. Here is some basic information.

Example structure

  "error": {
    "code": "invalid_content",
    "details": [
      "Account number can't be blank",
      "Customer name can't be blank"
    "message": "The request body content is not valid.",
    "request_id": "47d9098e-1cc7-441e-b8d8-d002bf5b980b",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"


  • api_error: our internal or 3rd party error
  • invalid_request_error: error related to your request


CodeHTTP statusTypeInfo
api_error400api_errorInternal or 3rd party API error.
forbidden403invalid_request_errorUsed API token does not have the required scope.
internal_server_error500api_errorUnexpected internal error.
invalid_content422invalid_request_errorThe request body content is not valid.
invalid_endpoint404invalid_request_errorThe requested endpoint does not exist.
invalid_token401invalid_request_errorInvalid API token.
invalid_request400invalid_request_errorThe request body is malformed or not valid.
invalid_url_param422invalid_request_errorThe request URL param is invalid.
resource_not_found404invalid_request_errorThe requested resource was not found.
too_many_requests429invalid_request_errorRate Limit Exceeded. You have reached the maximum number of requests. Try again later or contact your account manager to request a higher limit.
over_limit402invalid_request_errorYou have reached your plan limit. Upgrade your plan.
payment_required402invalid_request_errorInsufficient balance on your account. Add more funds.