WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type
I'm using django to to integrate esyship with our manufacturing system and when the shipment creation event is triggered , we are getting this error " 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'type' ." I would appreciate if your technical tean could help me out . Thanks !
Company name not sent by API when creating shipping label
Company name is sent both in billing and shipping address, but it is lost when I print the label. Here is a sample of API code:
'payment_custom_field' =>
array (
'payment_method' => 'Credit/Debit Card (3D and SCA Secured) Stripe',
'payment_code' => 'stripe',
'shipping_firstname' => 'David',
'shipping_lastname' => 'Li',
'shipping_company' => 'Allonis LLC',
'shipping_address_1' => '4078 Waterland Drive',
Verifying an Incoming Event with Easyship's Signature
On EasyShip documentation, I can only find a Ruby example for verify an event. Does anyone have examples in nodejs?
Splitting an order
Workflow question from an EasyShip newbie (PHP programmer).
I'm comfortable enough with the basic concepts of the API, and so far I have verified my webhook website endpoint works. Now I would be grateful if someone could guide on how to achieve the following goal.
Set origin when create a shipping
Hi! On the API docs, i don't saw any parameter for the orgin address. What I need to do to set de origin address?
Unable to sync orders properly in woocommerce
I am unable to even disable the easyship by the button. I can't sync my orders properly as well.
What is the API for SKYPOSTAL?
Error sandbox mode
I need do testing into sandbox mode but not working.
Create shipment wrongly notify sf-express with default pickup address
I am writing to reopen this discussion since there is no response on my last post.
Reference link: https://developers.easyship.com/discuss/5e9538728f596f001cdb7fcc
Display pickup address instead of default sender address on labels
We are currently using API to create shipment. With your hidden API provided earlier, we are able to specify different pick up addresses for each shipment.