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Logo through API

Is there a way to get the logo of the courier services through easyship api? Please advise.


UPS not included in quote

How do I get UPS rates to show up in an API call?
I've accepted the terms and conditions in the dashboard. I am getting rates from Sendle and USPS, but no UPS.


USPS rates higher than retail

The API doesn't seem to be returning accurate rates for USPS. I am getting rates higher than retail pricing. A 12oz, 9x6x2 inch package to zone 9 should be $5.33 for commercial rates and $6.65. The API returns $6.78.


No rates for sandbox



Postman collection for v2022.10



Rates API - Return is for which box type?

Hi. I just started using my API access. So far, so good. I am testing the Rates API, returning results - great!!!

Flower Delivery

Hi, just wondering if we can use your service to deliver multiple flower bouquets or boxes in one run usually between 5 to 10 bouquets from one pick up location.


Multi-box Shipments support of Premier Plan?

Just wondering Premier Plan you provided, shows there's support for muti-box shipments.
But I can't find any API reference about implement of multi-box shipments. Could you help me with that?


Error: get rate and create shipment

I have an error when trying call a request to get quota from API: "https://api.easyship.com/2022-10/rates" and I used sandbox token to call it.
The response following bellow: "Oops, an unexpected error occurred. Please check your request and try sending it again. You can contact us if the problem persists".
This is my request id: "eb5c96a47e8e67d96e83267ec58db787". How I can resolve it?


API Pickup Status Variable

I am currently using Zapier to automate a process to send reminder emails to customer who have not shipped their returns back to us yet. To do so, I have set up my automation to look at the "pickup status" variable for the shipment from Easy Ship. It is only supposed to continue if the status is "pending_drop_off". Unfortunately Zapier is still getting the "pending_drop_off" status on orders that were actually shipped back to us several days before the automation ran. Can someone tell me why the status on the order would still be showing "pending_drop_off"? Is there a better variable to check to ensure that the shipment has not been shipped yet?