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Rates could not be calculated UK is not a supported country

Here is the request JSON, I am requesting to buy create and buy labels with V1 API. API is not returning label data. it was working fine before.

Website ruleset not implemented and actioned when using API label request.

After a lot of testing, it seems that labels requested via API are not subject to shipping rules, can you please confirm this is correct?


API issues - Quotation fetched from Dashboard but couldn't get records using Production API

Here is my request:
"origin_address": {
"line_1": "847 E 11th Ave",
"line_2": " Columbus",
"city": "Columbus",
"state": "OH",
"postal_code": "43211"
"destination_address": {
"line_1": "141 North Ave",
"line_2": " Northlake",
"city": "Northlake",
"state": "IL",
"postal_code": "60164",
"country_alpha2": "US"
"incoterms": "DDU",
"insurance": {
"is_insured": false
"courier_selection": {
"apply_shipping_rules": true
"shipping_settings": {
"units": {
"weight": "lb",
"dimensions": "cm"
"parcels": [
"total_actual_weight": "2",
"box": {
"length": "4",
"width": "2",
"height": "2"
"items": [
"quantity": 1,
"category": "Shoes",
"item_description": "Shoes ",
"declared_currency": "USD",
"declared_customs_value": 100,
"actual_weight": 1


Sandbox - "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided."

Why am I getting all the time the response "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided." calling this endpoint ->
The same problem I had with the request rates endpoint. I had to change the sanbox key to the production key after reading some threads in "Discussions". After this change I got the list of couriers, but with the sandbox key I got "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided."
Please find below the body of the request to the "/shipment/v1/shipments/create_and_buy_label" endpoint:
'body' => json_encode([
'selected_courier_id' => 'b6f1d8c1-7e1e-465e-aa64-880d34662e54',
"is_insured" => false,
"destination_country_alpha2" => "US",
"destination_city" => "New York",
"destination_postal_code" => "10022",
"destination_state" => "NY",
"destination_name" => "Aloha Chen",
"destination_address_line_1" => "300 Park Avenue",
"destination_phone_number" => "+1 234-567-890",
"destination_email_address" => "[email protected]",
"seller_notes" => "VIP client",
"buyer_notes" => "Happy Birthday!",
"order_notes" => "Happy Birthday!",
"items" => [
["quantity" => 1,
"description" => "Application documents",
"category" => "documents",
"height" => 0,
"width" => 0,
"length" => 0,
"declared_currency" => "USD",
"declared_customs_value" => 0
"allow_courier_fallback" => false,
"buy_label_synchronous" => true,
"format" => "URL",
"label" => "4x6",
"commercial_invoice" => "4x6",
"packing_slip" => "4x6",
"total_actual_weight" => 0.2


Delivery pick up date error

The first page is addressed with a function to receive all available shipping methods.
In the second contact, the availability of each of the shipping methods is checked starting 48 hours from the moment of the order and according to the result, the available shipping methods are presented to the customer.
And in the third function, the choice of the shipping method chosen by the customer is sent to easyship.
EasyShip returns an error (that is, there is no available collection date in the shipping management)
What is the problem with the reference:
"courier_id": "b6f1d8c1-7e1e-465e-aa64-880d34662e54",
"preferred_date": "2022-09-22",
"preferred_max_time": "2022-09-22T20:00",
"preferred_min_time": "2022-09-22T08:00",
"easyship_shipment_ids": [
"message": "Failed to create Pickup",
"errors": [
"Something went wrong when requesting a pickup to USPS, please try later or contact Easyship Customer Service",
"code": "1021313",
"content": "Invalid/missing value for address. - [-2147217999] Address supplied is not specific, please provide more information."
"pickup_fee": 0.0,
"available_balance": 955.3


Different results across API and Portal

We are using V2, when sending rates request via API we are getting results from USPS only.
For the same request (source/destination/package) via portal I see UPS and and USPS options.

dhl easyship id not provided when creating label

problem with dhl label create
when we are Creating label easyship did not provide the easyship id.but label create in easyship dashboard and its cause error in our side

Problem with Easyship carrier accounts

Hey there, I connected my WMS API, and it's firing. But none of the carrier accounts show up in the create shipments advanced tag when orders get pulled in. Only USPS and DHL show. Then others aren't existing. How do I fix this?

HTTP 400: Parcels dimensions or all items dimensions are mandatory

I'm seeing HTTP 400 errors on requests that appear to be valid


Why are parameters in response not documented in V2.0?

But they are in V1.0, I hope it will be the same as in V2.0. Thank you.