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Shipping API



Is it possible to send HS codes via API ?

Hello, it seems HS codes are going to be more stringent and required on international shipments from March, our courrier account managers have told us....

Unable to sync orders properly in woocommerce

I am unable to even disable the easyship by the button. I can't sync my orders properly as well.


Confuse about customer shipping address

Thank for all!
Currently, I can create a shipment with address info like as: line_1: "231/1 Chiến LượcBình Trị Đông, Bình Tân, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh", state: "0", city: "0", country_alpha2: "VN". Is correct data to ship product from original address(shop) to customer with address above(It mean address info of customer in shipment create body request)?


limited event coverage of web-hook

I see there are only limited cases of web-hook events. I wanna ask if there is any accidental events, how will Easyship notify me? For instance, if the actual weight and dimension of my shipping item is way greater than what i have declared, how will this case be handled?


Amazon ID

Can you send the ID so we can connect Amazon Brazil in Seller central


Are there API to get the fallback settings?

Hi, are there any ways to get product fallback settings from dashboard?


How to use tracking

How can I determine when a package has been shipped?


Revert my website as it is before

If Easyship's team is working on the order syncing issue, please ensure that they do not mess up my website


Unable to pull rates via API

I'm using my sandbox api token (though I tried once with our production token and had the same result). I'm requesting POST https://api.easyship.com/rate/v1/rates and I know my token is working because I am able to successfully get shipment lists and shipment details using the same code. When I try to post to get rates, however, I'm getting the same error no matter what variations on the post data I try: