api if exist white list
easyship api if exist white list?
API can't get proper shipping solutions
I'm trying to use the API with my test key and getting this error: "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided."
Shopify / Fulfillrite Intergration
Hi we would like to integrate our Easyship accounts to Shopify and then to Fulfillrite for fulfillment.
We have one Shopify store and selling/ fulfilling orders in both Australia and the US. Currently we have 2 Easyship accounts (One for Australian rates the other for Us Rates)
Unable to download Shipping Documents
Goof afternoon, I am unable to download my documents in Easyship, its been an hour or so and it still says "pending". Do help me in this matter.
Buy label issue
Hello. I'm having this error when i'm trying to buy a label for a shipment using https://api.easyship.com/label/v1/labels request:
Pickup API: "Sorry, it is too late to request a pickup at this time, please refresh and try again"
Hi I'm trying to create a pickup request for a shipment that I created using the API. In the pickups endpoint call that I'm making I'm passing in the data as per the documentation and the slots returned by the "pickup_slots" end point. It's failing to create the pickup, however, and returns this response: "Sorry, it is too late to request a pickup at this time, please refresh and try again"
Here's how I'm passing the data in the request body:
"courier_id": "dfa5ba0d-4f91-4f6d-9622-8f1a22b23855",
"preferred_date": "2022-04-26",
"preferred_max_time": "2022-04-26T20:00",
"preferred_min_time": "2022-04-26T08:00",
"easyship_shipment_ids": ["xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)
"error": "User doesn't have permissions for this request"
We are trying to pull one of our user's data using this call.
Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided
My API Response returned this error "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided". Please advice
Shipment/Label API issues
Hey, I'm trying to setup a Shipment/Label API. I've used postman examples to get me started, and am filling out all of the required fields, however the API call returns an empty body tag- I'd expect this to contain a link to the shipping label/some of details?