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Deactivate DHL eCommerce

When customers are checking out of my store (WordPress WooCommerce), the first shipping options that show up are three different DHL eCommerce shipping options and no other. How do I get rid of this? I don't even know what that shipping option is and am afraid this will scare away customers finalizing purchases. I see the listing in my easyship dashboard under couriers, but I can't remove it. Please advise. Thanks!

which easyship plan should I use for my industry?

We are a small family business of metal fabricators, and we would like to have access to e-commerce? But I had seach for so many different plans that you guys offer, the now I am so confused. We would be shipping metal, stainless steel Aluminum materials so my question will be which plan will apply best for us as an industrial fabricator?

Shipping rated not update if use other plugin to change product dimensions.

Shipping rates not update if use other plugin to change product dimensions: width, height, length, wight. Example: https://woocommerce.com/products/measurement-price-calculator/ I've checked, your plugin always get origin product info instead of cart items info.

There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.

Hi i am getting the above error can any 1 help have done almost everything i know off.

Webhooks for the shipment.tracking.status.changed event not being fired by Easyship

I have a webhook set up to receive numerous types of events from Easyship. I have tested each event type (using the 'Test' button in the webhook modal window). All of the event types (including the shipment.tracking.status.changed event) work fine and are received and logged by my system. During regular operation, however, it seems that Easyship is NOT firing this event type when it occurs on our account. As an example, I've been logging all incoming events for about a month now and the only times we have ever seen the tracking.status.changed event is when someone has used the 'Test' button. We have hundreds or thousands of tracking checkpoints events logged, but we never see the the event type in question being sent.

Webhooks Being Made Inactive Automatically

Hi. We received this error message (after we searched everywhere and finally saw this in the webhooks page on our Easyship dashboard): "This webhook has been changed to inactive due to thirty repeated failures." We don't use the Easyship dashboard for our website's shipping, we only use the Easyship API, so we didn't know why the postage wasn't working and neither did our customers. 1. What causes this to happen? I.e what were the 30 repeated failures? 2. Is there a way to receive some sort of notification. We had people ordering shipping and paying, but then the label wouldn't generate, but we didn't know why and received no notification that our webhook was set to inactive. Can we please remove whatever causes the webhook to be inactive? Or can you at least confirm with us before making it inactive? Thanks, Luke

API Parcel Pickup Form "Retrieve Pick-up Slots"-Error Message

We had some deliveries approved through the Easyship API, but we can't order a pickup. Note: The Fastway quote that was selected and paid for (for Australian domestic shipping) only offers free pickup, so the pickup option needs to work please. The pickup form with dates and times appears, but when we select a date, it displays this error message: "Error: time slot is not found or it's too late to request a pickup. Please select a different time. Time slot must be present if handover option category is "pickup"." We tried selecting every time slot one-by-one, but none worked. We have pickup time options appearing on the form, that can't be selected. How do we fix this? If it's because there isn't enough time for the pickup to occur (which is unlikely as some were 1 week later and couriers normally pickup within 1 or 2 days anyway), then the form needs to display later dates (which wouldn't be helpful as companies want to ship immediately). Otherwise, there's a different error that you need to tell us how to fix, or that you need to fix please. Thank you.

"No shipping solutions" message.

Hi, Query 1: We have been getting this error message for the last few days. "Sorry, we couldn't find any shipping solutions based on the information provided." Note1 : We didn't used to get this message. It has just started appearing. Note 2: we are using the same dimensions we have used before. Example: one week ago we did 2kg, 20x20x20, fashion etc and it worked. This week, the same details don't work (so issue is NOT that we have used bad dimensions or incorrect categories or different destinations/origins). We are using the same details that have worked before. Note 3: We are also aware that some categories like 'mobiles" can't be selected domestically in Australia. That category was not selected, and is also not the reason for the bug. How do we fix this bug? Query 2: The other issue below might be related to query 1 above: In Australia, shipping domestically, we get 5 quotes from 5 couriers, in our easyship dashboard. When we use the API, we get 1 quote. (we are using the identical dimensions like weight, size, category etc and destinations/origins etc for both quotes). Why do we get 1 courier option through the easyship API quote and 5 through the easyship dashboard quote for a parcel to the exact same locations that has same dimensions and everything else is the same?

Store update

Hi, is there anyway to change the store update to shipped rather than completed? We're using woocommerce.

Checkout rates not calculating

I was sent here by your support team. I have EasyShip connected to my WooCommerce site but the shipping rates aren't calulating at checkout. I've gone throught the troubleshooting steps, deleting other shipping plugins, completely removing and re-installing Easyship but nothing. Any other steps I can try to resolve the issue?