These docs are for v2023.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.09.

How to connect Easyship users to your platform

1. Getting the OAuth 2 credentials

Our representative will ask you some information. One of them will be a callback (redirect) URL(s), where users will be redirected to at the end of the OAuth 2 Authorization Code Grant.

You will receive OAuth 2 credentials:

  • client_id: can be used publicly
  • client_secret: cannot be used publicly (as the name suggests)

We will also set and share a list of allowed scopes you can use within our Public API.

2. Redirect the user from your platform to the Easyship Auth Provider

The client_id will be used in the URL which will be used to redirect your users to Easyship and ask them to use their existing or create new accounts.

The URL is based on Authorize user on Easyship and you must provide these parameters:

  • client_id provided by us in the 1st step.
  • redirect_uri: one of the URIs provided by you in the 1st step.
  • scope: list of scopes separated by space. The user will be asked to authorize these scopes. It can be the complete list of scopes provided in the 1st step.
  • response_type: is a static value (code) that indicates the OAuth 2 Authorization Code grant.
  • state: is the only optional parameter. You can use it to verify the user (it will be sent to the callback URI at the end of the flow).


This is the only endpoint that uses the domain.

Example of the redirection to the Easyship Auth Provider

3. Exchange code for Access and Refresh tokens

After a successful OAuth 2 Authorization Code grant flow, users will be redirected back to your platform to your callback URL with code and state (if provided).

To get the Access and Refresh tokens for the authorized user, you must use Create an Access Token endpoint with the AUTHORIZATION_CODE request body.

Example of the redirection back to your platform

Where the is the callback provided in the 1st step.

Example of the successful response

  "access_token": "test_3m0V3q5MDgxNIR5Cglw/ONL8ZMPNy91f1Kolt+BOWG8=",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "UhLaQeeduKhGPLoEnQ29aLGuV077VSNEp7LPij_P6Tg",
  "scope": "rate shipment label track company pickup location store product",
  "created_at": 1645532460

The access_token and refresh_token should be associated with the authorized user.

4. Access the Easyship Public API

Now, you can access the Easyship Public API based on the scopes you stated with the access_token in the Authorization header.

In case of expired access tokens, you have to use the refresh_token to get a new access token using the Create an Access Token with the REFRESH_TOKEN request body.