These docs are for v2023.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.09.

How to Track a Shipment

You can seamlessly create shipment trackings and update shipment statuses through the API or webhooks with Easyship. Follow the high-level schedule outlined below to streamline your tracking workflow.

To track shipments created outside of Easyship, please contact our support team to discuss your needs.

1. List couriers supporting tracking

Before creating tracking for a shipment, ensure that the Easyship tracking feature supports the courier for your shipment. Execute the following request:


This request can be filtered by two parameters:

  1. umbrella_name: courier company umbrella name, e.g., DHL.
  2. origin_country_alpha2: comma-separated country codes in the Alpha-2 format.

In the response, you obtain the couriers object containing the couriers available for tracking.

Response example:

    "couriers": [
            "id": "137a79e8-ae1c-4369-9855-44cf8ff784c4",
            "origin_country_alpha2": "US",
            "umbrella_name": "USPS"

2. Create a new tracking

Proceed to create tracking for a desired shipment using the following request:


The request body contains the following fields:

  1. tracking_number: unique tracking identifier generated on your side.
  2. courier_id: ID of the shipment courier.
  3. platform_order_number: order number from the e-commerce platform.
  4. origin_address_id: origin address of the shipment. Leave blank if the origin address is not added via the Addresses API and fill the origin_address object instead.
  5. origin_address: origin address object corresponding with the address object of the Addresses API.
  6. destination_address: shipment destination address object.
  7. items: shipment items, each with description and quantity.

Request Example:

  "destination_address": {
    "line_1": "123 Test Street",
    "line_2": "Block 3",
    "state": "Singapore",
    "city": "Singapore",
    "postal_code": "247964",
    "country_alpha2": "SG",
    "company_name": "Test Plc.",
    "contact_name": "Foo Bar",
    "contact_phone": "+65 6910 1185",
    "contact_email": "[email protected]"
  "items": [
      "description": "iPhone",
      "quantity": 1
  "tracking_number": "0114827",
  "courier_id": "01563646-58c1-4607-8fe0-cae3e33c0002",
  "platform_order_number": "28659826843658326431264",
  "origin_address_id": "5636-13as-8264-8fe0-9s63"

In the response, receive the tracking object including details such as ID, courier tracking_number, source, platform_order_number, origin and destination country codes, tracking status, and more.

Possible tracking_status values:

  • pending
  • created
  • active
  • completed
  • overwritten_by_admin

3. Show existing trackings

To display all trackings created with your shipments, execute the following request:


This request can be filtered by parameters such as origin_country_alpha2, destination_country_alpha2, source, and tracking_state based on the tracking_status field above.

For a specific tracking, add its tracking_id to the request:


4. Webhook messages with tracking updates

Easyship API webhooks support the following messages for tracking:

  • shipment.tracking.status.changed
  • shipment.racking.checkpoints.created

Refer to this quickstart guide to learn more about setting up webhooks on your end for real-time tracking updates.