These docs are for v2023.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.09.

How to Validate Addresses

Use Easyship address validation feature to make sure the end user’s address is valid and correct. With a single endpoint, you perform four operations related to physical delivery addresses:

  1. Confirm address deliverability. It ensures a courier is aware of this address and your shipment can be delivered. Deliverability check does not change the destination address: it only confirms whether provided address corresponds to the courier database address or not.
  2. Ensure correctness of the address format for couriers. It confirms the address format is correct according to regional postal system and courier requirements. Address format check changes the destination address if needed.
  3. Correct invalid addresses. It ensures the address does not contain user-side errors and modifies the destination address in case this address is invalid in terms of:
    • Postal code missing
    • Address and postal code mismatch
    • Duplicate data
    • Spelling errors
  4. Transliterate non-Latin addresses into their Latin formats. For countries using non-Latin alphabets, the address is transliterated into the Latin format ensuring that the Latin version of this address is deliverable and correct. Address transliteration changes the destination address by creating its Latin version (transliterated, not translated) understandable for English speakers.


Transliteration is conversion of text from one writing system to another:

Улица Ленина 12, Москва, 143350 → Ulica Lenina 12, Moskva, 143350

To enable shipment addresses validation, send

POST /2023-01/addresses/validations

Body parameters

This endpoint includes the following request body:

Field nameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
line_1StringRequiredFirst address line
line_2StringOptionalSecond address line
postal_codeStringRequiredPostal code
country_alpha2StringRequiredAlpha 2 country code

Request body example

  "line_1": "10 Downing Street",
  "city": "London",
  "postal_code": "SW1A 2AA",
  "country_alpha2": "GB"

Response examples

Successful response

In response, this method returns a validation object containing the address details and validation results:

Field nameTypeDescription
idStringObject identifier
line_1StringFirst address line
line_2StringSecond address line
company_nameStringName of a company on the address
postal_codeStringPostal code
country_alpha2StringAlpha 2 country code
engineStringLookup engine (currently, melissa by default)


Validation results:

detail: detailed message in case of unsuccessful status

status: short validation status


  "city": "London",
  "company_name": "Prime Minister's Office",
  "country_alpha2": "GB",
  "id": "2376ae82-3d3e-44bf-bc91-a5e727056833",
  "line_1": "10 Downing Street",
  "line_2": "",
  "postal_code": "SW1A 2AA",
  "state": "London",
  "validation": {
    "detail": "",
    "status": "verified"

Follow our shipping address format guidelines to learn more about address formats for individual countries.