How can I set selected_courier_id attribute? Does it needs to be nested within an object body?
I've tried top level declaration of the same attribute but it still defaults to the best value for money Courier.
API shipment request failure - Denmark export to Spain
Prefering drop off
is there a way to "force" selection of drop off even for rates includes "courier_does_pickup": ture ?
Error when generating label via shipment
I'm trying to use the sandbox and test generating a label at the same time as a shipment, however when I query the shipment after creation and get the label I get the error:
different results across web/protal and our site (API)
Our site is integarted via API with easyship for some time now. We see consistent results for identical shipments across the easyship portal and our site - as expected.
At your (easyship's) suggestion I created and different new (easyship) account and changed the access key to the new account (on our test environment).
Multi-parcel rates - only one courier returned (BUG?)
Using the API docs for Rate Request (https://developers.easyship.com/reference/rates_request), I've noticed that if I add more than one parcel to the payload the response only returns one courier (UPS). If I have only one parcel, then I get many couriers returned in the response (CanPar, UPS, Canada Post, Purolator… etc).
Why is the post to https://api.easyship.com/2023-01/rates onlyl returning one rate
The API reference states:
The Rates API allows you to request a list of shipping quotes for a prospective Shipment. The response will also indicate which Courier is the cheapest, fastest and best value for money, which is a combination of speed, price and reliability.
Creating Shipment, Why can't destination_address.contact_phone be blank?
https://developers.easyship.com/reference/shipments_create clearly shows that the phone contact is not required for destination address but when creating a shipment in sandbox is can't be null or blank. I do not want to collect phone numbers of my customers just to ship to them. Why is it not consistent?
Unable to genrate label with vague error message "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass"
Hello, we are unable to generate label and we are receiving "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" error. We also noticed that the country in the response for the origin address is United States although it is sent in the request as GB (United Kingdom). Can someone please help us generate a label?
The request:
why does this rates request api call return an error?
POST /2023-01/rates HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer prod_4jZAQeqvVWAlL2pJWu2Zfe7GRu++0oymSxwI1fbzrCc=
Host: api.easyship.com
Content-Length: 1104