

Breaking changes

  • All beta endpoints from 2023-01 are now deprecated and moved to this version.
  • Labels API was deprecated in favor of Batch API ( Create a Batch of Labels).
  • Bulk update of Courier Account's Couriers was deprecated.
  • Renamings of Courier Accounts and Couriers. All references (in requests, responses, and URL paths are affected).
    • The renaming
      • Courier Account => Courier
      • Courier => Courier Service
    • Changed paths
      • /2023-01/couriers to /2024-09/courier_services
      • /2023-01/courier_accounts/:courier_account_id/couriers to /2024-09/couriers/:courier_id/courier_services
      • /2023-01/couriers/:courier_id/pickup_slots to /2024-09/courier_services/:courier_service_id/pickup_slots
      • /2023-01/couriers/:courier_id/estimated_delivery_dates to /2024-09/courier_services/:courier_service_id/estimated_delivery_dates
      • /2023-01/courier_accounts to /2024-09/couriers
      • /2023-01/courier_accounts/:courier_account_id to /2024-09/couriers/:courier_id
      • /2023-01/courier_accounts/:courier_account_id/couriers to /2024-09/couriers/:courier_id/courier_services
    • Changed attributes
      • courier_id to courier_service_id
      • courier_account_id to courier_id
    • Webhooks now support both namings where you can pick which version you want during the webhook creation (or update).