JUMP TOAPIOverviewChangelogMigration guide from 2023-01ErrorsAuthenticationScopesRate LimitIdempotent RequestsEasyship Public APIAccountInformation about the AccountgetAssetsActivate AssetspostDeactivate AssetspostList all AssetsgetCreate an AssetpostUpdate an AssetpatchDelete an AssetdeleteSettingsList Account SettingsgetUpdate Multiple Account SettingspostApp AccessCreate an App AccesspostRedirectsCreate a RedirectpostAddressesValidate a single addresspostList all AddressesgetCreate an AddresspostUpdate an AddresspatchActivate an AddresspostDeactivate an AddresspostAnalyticsList Analytics Sale Channels DatagetList Analytics Shipment Status DatagetList Shipment Analytics within a Date RangegetList Analytics Shipments DatagetList Analytics Top Couriers DatagetList Analytics Top Shipments DestinationsgetAuto RechargeAuto Recharge CreditpatchGet Auto Recharge CreditgetBatchesCreate a Batch of AddressespostList all Batch ItemsgetCreate a Batch of LabelspostCreate a Batch of ShipmentspostList all BatchesgetGet a BatchgetBilling DocumentsDownload Billing DocumentgetList all Billing DocumentsgetList all Billing Document's Transaction RecordsgetBoxesList all BoxesgetCreate a BoxpostUpdate a BoxpatchDelete a BoxdeleteCountriesList all CountriesgetCouriersList all Courier Services of a CouriergetDeactivate a CourierpostList all LYOCgetList all CouriersgetCreate a CourierpostGet a CouriergetUpdate a CourierpatchDelete a CourierdeleteCourier ServicesList all Estimated Delivery Dates for a Courier ServicegetList Available Pickup SlotsgetList all Courier ServicesgetCreditConfirm Credit Top-uppostRefund a CreditpostGet creditgetAdd creditposteFulfillmentTracking UpdatespostWarehouse State UpdatespostHS codesList HS CodesgetItem CategoriesList all Item CategoriesgetLocationsList FedEx LocationsgetList UPS LocationsgetList USPS LocationsgetManifestsList all ManifestsgetCreate a ManifestpostGet a ManifestgetPayment SourcesGet a Stripe Public KeygetConfirm Payment SourcepostList all Payment SourcesgetCreate a Payment SourcepostUpdate a Payment SourcepatchDelete a Payment SourcedeletePickupsCancel a PickuppostList all PickupsgetCreate a PickuppostGet a PickupgetList All Shipments of Specific PickupgetProductsList all ProductsgetCreate a ProductpostDelete a ProductdeleteUpdate a ProductpatchRatesRequest RatespostShipping Rule's ActionsCreate Action for a Shipping RulepostList all Actions for a Shipping RulegetUpdate Action of a Shipping RulepatchDelete Action of a Shipping RuledeleteShipping Rule's ConditionsCreate Condition for a Shipping RulepostList all Conditions for a Shipping RulegetUpdate Condition of the Shipping RulepatchDelete Condition of a Shipping RuledeleteShipping RulesActivate a Shipping RulepostDeactivate a Shipping RulepostList all Platform NamesgetList all Shipping RulesgetCreate a Shipping RulepostGet a Shipping RulegetUpdate a Shipping RulepatchDelete a Shipping RuledeleteShipmentsCancel a ShipmentpostList All DocumentsgetBuy Insurance for a ShipmentpostCreate a Return ShipmentpostList all TrackingsgetList Transaction Records for a ShipmentgetList Unavailable Couriers for a ShipmentgetList all ShipmentsgetCreate a ShipmentpostGet a ShipmentgetUpdate a ShipmentpatchDelete a ShipmentdeleteStatesList all StatesgetStoresList all StoresgetTagsList all TagsgetCreate a TagpostTaxes and DutiesCalculate Tax and DutypostTrackingsList of Supported CouriersgetList all TrackingsgetCreate a TrackingpostDelete a TrackingdeleteGet a TrackinggetTransaction RecordsList all Transaction RecordsgetInsuranceList all Insurance PoliciesgetCreate an Insurance PolicypostWebhooksWebhooks GuideWebhook Eventsshipment.label.createdshipment.label.failedshipment.tracking.checkpoints.createdshipment.tracking.status.changedshipment.cancelledshipment.warehouse.state.updatedbatch.startedbatch.finishedbatch.item.finishedcredit.balance.lowenterprise.company.creationexternal.shipment.insuredWebhooksActivate a WebhookpostDeactivate a WebhookpostTest a WebhookpostList all WebhooksgetCreate a WebhookpostGet a WebhookgetDelete a WebhookdeleteUpdate a WebhookpatchEasyship OAuth 2 API for PartnersAuthorizationAuthorize user on EasyshipgetCreate an Access TokenpostRetrieve info for the Access TokengetIntrospect an Access TokenpostRevoke an Access TokenpostEasyship Enterprise APIAuthorizationRetrieve an Access TokenpostRetrieve info for the Access TokengetIntrospect an Access TokenpostRevoke an Access TokenpostOrganizationsList all Companies of the OrganizationgetList all OrganizationsgetCreate an OrganizationpostGet an OrganizationgetUpdate an OrganizationpatchDelete an organizationdeleteCompaniesDowngrade a SubscriptionpostList all CompaniesgetCreate a CompanypostUpdate a CompanypatchDelete a CompanydeleteWebhooksActivate a WebhookpostDeactivate a WebhookpostTest a WebhookpostList all WebhooksgetCreate a WebhookpostGet a WebhookgetUpdate a WebhookpatchDelete a WebhookdeleteShipping RulesActivate a Shipping RulepostDeactivate a Shipping RulepostList all Platform NamesgetList all Shipping RulesgetCreate a Shipping RulepostGet a Shipping RulegetUpdate a Shipping RulepatchDelete a Shipping RuledeleteShipping Rule's ConditionsCreate Condition for a Shipping RulepostList all Conditions for a Shipping RulegetUpdate Condition of the Shipping RulepatchDelete Condition of a Shipping RuledeleteShipping Rule's ActionsCreate Action for a Shipping RulepostList all Actions for a Shipping RulegetUpdate Action of a Shipping RulepatchDelete Action of a Shipping RuledeleteRetrieve info for the Access Tokenget https://enterprise-api.easyship.com/oauth2/token/infoRetrieve an OAuth 2 Access Token information.